Central Heat Pump Package | Goodman Heat Pump

Prices starting from as low as
From $6,899.00

Product Sizing
  • 2 ton
  • 3 ton
  • 4 ton
  • 5 ton
Shipping Information
  • This item quallifies for $95 terminal shipping across Canada!
  • This item can be shipped directly to your address for an extra cost; contact our team for a personalized shipping quote.

Click here for more information.



Complete Goodman Heat Pump Packages for Your Modern Home

Everything you need for your heat pump installation and operation!

Our new heat pump packages include all major components required for your installer to install and commission your new, high efficiency heat pump system. Plus, should your installer have any questions our technical team is on stand-by to support.

Customized Packages for Every Home

No two homes are the same, just like no two people are the same. That is why our team will work with you to ensure that you are provided with the optimal solution based on your needs and preferences. One major consideration here is whether to install a back-up furnace or not, and if so, what type of furnace.

Typical Napoleon central heat pump packages will include at least the following:

  • Goodman Central heat pump unit
    • up to 18 SEER performance for select combinations!
    • EnergySTAR certified with inverter scroll compressor pumps
    • central heat pump featuring Comfort Bridge technology
    • available in the following sizes
      • 2 ton heat pump
      • 3 ton heat pump
      • 4 ton heat pump
      • 5 ton heat pump
  • AHRI certified coil
    • matched and rated for optimal performance with your selected Goodman heat pump
  • Copper line set
    • gas and liquid lines from your coil to/from your Goodman heat pump unit
    • available in 25 foot or 50 foot lengths
    • correctly sized line sets and matched to your coil and heat pump selection
    • we will provide additional insulation to apply to the line sets during installation, if not already insulated
  • Control thermostat
    • we will ensure that you are provided with a suitable control for your needs
    • options between smart, WiFi connected and non-WiFi models
    • options capable to support dual fuel and/or multi-zone heating systems

Heat pump packages may also include the following:

Professional & Experienced HVAC Support

Our experienced team of HVAC professionals will work with you to ensure you are provided with the optimal solution for your home. This includes ensuring you have correctly sized and matched components based on your homes age, HVAC design, geographical location, fuel sources available, and more.

New Build Homes or Retrofits – We Support Them All

BPH Sales’ team of professionals have decades of experience with both new build homes and retrofits to upgrade an existing HVAC system. So whether you are building a brand new, high-efficiency smart home or upgrading an existing structure with modern HVAC systems, our team is THE team to support you.

Everything You Need Shipped to You for Low Costs!

Depending on your exact location, we are often able to provide FREE terminal shipping for heat pump packages. Contact our team directly to find out if you qualify.

Contact Us Today to Start Your Central Heat Pump Package | Goodman Heat Pump

Please give us a call at +1-800-827-4306 or fill in the below form.

Make sure to provide relevant information for our team to review. Once we have reviewed your info, we will contact you to continue discussing your customized solution.